A downloadable game for Windows

This was created for the 2019 Video Game Design competition for TSA (Technology Student Association). The Theme was a TSA related game


This is a 2D platformer inspired by Undertale. In this game you play as a TSA contestant just trying to win first place. You must make your way through the TSA conference facing ruthless judges using your trusty trifold board competition. Along the way you meet other contestants who could not get past the judges and have been disqualified. It is up to you to choose if you want to help them or focus solely on winning.



Up ArrowJump button
Left Arrowmove to the left
Right Arrowmove to the right
(use to enter a contest battle)

contest battle

Up ArrowMove in the up direction
Left ArrowRotate to the left
Right ArrowRotate to the right
Space BarShoot out paperclips
(in the upwards direction)


TheShapesAssociation.zip 15 MB

Install instructions

Once the game is downloaded, you can to extract the file to whatever directory you wish. Then you open the extracted folder and double-click "TSA.exe."